"My Shadow on the Sand" Ingrid Ortiz
"My Shadow on the Sand" Ingrid Ortiz
"My Shadow on the Sand"
A photojournalism work inclusive of color photograph (Framed Print) with written piece
11" x 14"
My Shadow on the Sand - Ingrid Ortiz
As I contemplate at my shadow in the sand and the fun of the Coney Island rides on an afternoon stroll, I think to myself:
Will the ocean waves wash my shadow away?
Will a passerby walk over my shadow?
Is this what my life has become a shadow of what I used to be, a dark figure at the mercy of the rays of sunlight that intersect and obscure my light.
It becomes clear to me, that is what people see and think of me and my mental health; A shadow of the light I used to shine.
A shadow that they can easily walk over and wash away with their preconceived ideas about my mental health and the mental health of our world.
We all struggle at some point in our lives and become an obscure and frail shadow.
We must remove the stigma, prejudice, ignorance, negativity and biases intensely blocking our light and making us a dark image of what they consider normal and acceptable.
We are not disabled, broken or a waste of life.
We are differently abled and with the proper amount of support and understanding we can thrive and succeed.
We need to examine and change our hurtful and unhelpful preconceived ideas to recognize and value the dignity of every human being.
As long as I stand up firm and with your support, the waves will come and go but they won't wash away my shadow.